How do I use LinkedBlockingQueue class?

In the following code snippet you will learn how to use the LinkedBlockingQueue class. This class implements the BlockingQueue interface. We can create a bounded queue by specifying the queue capacity at the object construction. If we do not define the capacity, the upper bound is limited to the size of Integer.MAX_VALUE.

The data in the queue represented as a linked node in a FIFO (First-In-First-Out) order. The head element of the queue is the longest element placed in the queue and the tail element is the latest element added to the queue.

Let’s see the code in action below:

package org.kodejava.util.concurrent;

import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;

public class LinkedBlockingQueueExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        final BlockingQueue<String> queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(1024);

        // Producer Tread
        new Thread(() -> {
            while (true) {
                try {
                    String data = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
                    System.out.printf("[%s] PUT [%s].%n",
                            Thread.currentThread().getName(), data);
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        }, "Producer").start();

        // Consumer-1 Thread
        new Thread(() -> {
            while (true) {
                try {
                    String data = queue.take();
                    System.out.printf("[%s] GET [%s].%n",
                            Thread.currentThread().getName(), data);
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        }, "Consumer-1").start();

        // Consumer-2 Thread
        new Thread(() -> {
            while (true) {
                try {
                    String data = queue.take();
                    System.out.printf("[%s] GET [%s].%n",
                            Thread.currentThread().getName(), data);
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        }, "Consumer-2").start();

The output of the code snippet above:

[Producer] PUT [34418601-19cf-41fc-aecc-a0fa7caa72bb].
[Consumer-1] GET [34418601-19cf-41fc-aecc-a0fa7caa72bb].
[Producer] PUT [f2050eaa-c575-4faf-89e8-1ad0e3fbce0e].
[Consumer-2] GET [f2050eaa-c575-4faf-89e8-1ad0e3fbce0e].
[Producer] PUT [2f24985b-009b-44c3-9cec-7a066aa08ecf].
[Consumer-1] GET [2f24985b-009b-44c3-9cec-7a066aa08ecf].
[Producer] PUT [b4332823-c1a2-4587-bf5f-1f67407d6945].
[Consumer-2] GET [b4332823-c1a2-4587-bf5f-1f67407d6945].
[Producer] PUT [33edcd78-1b14-4913-afe2-7f44d76db50b].
[Consumer-1] GET [33edcd78-1b14-4913-afe2-7f44d76db50b].

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