Do we need to explicitly call save() method in Hibernate or JPA to save entities?

No, you typically don’t need to explicitly call the save() method in Hibernate or JPA to save entities. In JPA, when you modify a managed entity (an entity that was retrieved or persisted by the entity manager), the changes are automatically synchronized with the database when the transaction commits. Hibernate, being an implementation of JPA, follows this behavior.

Here’s how it generally works:

  1. Persisting new entities: When you create a new entity object and persist it using EntityManager.persist() (or in Hibernate), the entity becomes managed by the persistence context. Any changes made to this entity within the scope of the transaction will be automatically synchronized with the database upon transaction commit.
  2. Updating existing entities: When you retrieve an entity from the database (either by EntityManager.find() or through a query), any changes made to this managed entity will also be synchronized with the database upon transaction commit. You don’t need to call any explicit save method.
    Entity entity = entityManager.find(Entity.class, id);
    // Changes to 'entity' are automatically synchronized with the database upon transaction commit
  3. Automatic dirty checking: Hibernate/JPA employs the concept of dirty checking. It tracks the changes made to managed entities within a transaction. When the transaction commits, it automatically detects the changes and synchronizes them with the database.
    // Entity retrieved and modified within a transaction
    Entity entity = entityManager.find(Entity.class, id);
    // Changes to 'entity' are automatically tracked and synchronized with the database upon transaction commit

Explicitly calling save() might be necessary in specific cases where you’re dealing with detached entities (entities that are not managed by the persistence context) or if you’re operating outside a transaction boundary, but in general usage within a transaction, it’s not required.


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