Impact on using Spring Data native query @Query to Persistence Context?

Using Spring Data’s @Query annotation with native SQL queries can have several impacts on Hibernate or JPA persistence context:

Bypassing JPQL Translation: When you use a native SQL query with @Query, you bypass JPQL (Java Persistence Query Language) translation. This means that the query is written in the native SQL dialect of the underlying database, rather than in JPQL, which is database agnostic. While this can provide more flexibility in complex queries or when leveraging database-specific features, it also ties your application more tightly to the underlying database, potentially reducing portability.

Direct Interaction with Database: Native queries bypass the entity manager’s persistence context, as they don’t involve managed entities directly. This means that Hibernate or JPA typically not manage the entities returned by a native query. As a result, changes to these entities won’t be automatically synchronized with the database unless you manually manage them using entity manager operations.

Performance Considerations: Native queries might offer performance benefits in certain cases, especially when dealing with complex queries or when JPQL is not sufficient to express the logic efficiently. However, they also come with potential drawbacks such as decreased portability and increased maintenance complexity.

Mapping to Entities: While native queries return results in the form of arrays or lists of objects, you can still map these results to entities manually if needed. However, this requires additional code for mapping the columns returned by the native query to the fields of your entity classes.

Security Risks: Using native queries opens up potential security risks such as SQL injection if the queries involve user input. You need to be careful to properly sanitize and validate any user-provided parameters before incorporating them into native queries to prevent such vulnerabilities.

Testing and Maintenance: Native queries can make your code harder to test and maintain, especially when compared to JPQL queries. Since JPQL queries are language agnostic and are validated by JPA providers during application startup, they offer better compile-time safety and easier refactoring.

In summary, while native queries can be powerful and useful in certain scenarios, they should be used judiciously, considering the trade-offs in terms of performance, portability, security, and maintenance complexity. It’s often preferable to use JPQL queries where possible and resort to native queries only when necessary for performance optimization or when dealing with database-specific features.

Do we need to explicitly call save() method in Hibernate or JPA to save entities?

No, you typically don’t need to explicitly call the save() method in Hibernate or JPA to save entities. In JPA, when you modify a managed entity (an entity that was retrieved or persisted by the entity manager), the changes are automatically synchronized with the database when the transaction commits. Hibernate, being an implementation of JPA, follows this behavior.

Here’s how it generally works:

  1. Persisting new entities: When you create a new entity object and persist it using EntityManager.persist() (or in Hibernate), the entity becomes managed by the persistence context. Any changes made to this entity within the scope of the transaction will be automatically synchronized with the database upon transaction commit.
  2. Updating existing entities: When you retrieve an entity from the database (either by EntityManager.find() or through a query), any changes made to this managed entity will also be synchronized with the database upon transaction commit. You don’t need to call any explicit save method.
    Entity entity = entityManager.find(Entity.class, id);
    // Changes to 'entity' are automatically synchronized with the database upon transaction commit
  3. Automatic dirty checking: Hibernate/JPA employs the concept of dirty checking. It tracks the changes made to managed entities within a transaction. When the transaction commits, it automatically detects the changes and synchronizes them with the database.
    // Entity retrieved and modified within a transaction
    Entity entity = entityManager.find(Entity.class, id);
    // Changes to 'entity' are automatically tracked and synchronized with the database upon transaction commit

Explicitly calling save() might be necessary in specific cases where you’re dealing with detached entities (entities that are not managed by the persistence context) or if you’re operating outside a transaction boundary, but in general usage within a transaction, it’s not required.

How do I build simple search page using ZK and Spring Boot?

In this example we are going to build a simple search page using ZK framework and Spring Boot. We are going to use the latest available version of Spring Boot (3.0.0) and ZK Framework ( So without taking more time let’s start by creating a new spring boot project with the following pom.xml. You can create the initial project using your IDE or spring initializr.

Create a Spring Boot project and add the following dependencies:

  • zkspringboot-starter
  • zkplus
  • spring-boot-devtools
  • spring-boot-starter-data-jpa
  • mysql-connector-j
  • lombok

The pom.xml File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
        <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->





            <id>ZK CE</id>
            <name>ZK CE Repository</name>
            <id>ZK EVAL</id>
            <name>ZK Evaluation Repository</name>

</project> File

This properties file configure ZK application homepage and the prefix where the zul files are located. We also configure the datasource to our application database.


spring.datasource.password= Entity Definition

An entity that represent out record label with just two property of id and name. Getters and setters are generated by Lombok library, it also generated to equals() and hashcode() method, and also the toString() method.

package org.kodejava.zk.entity;

import jakarta.persistence.*;
import lombok.Data;

public class Label {
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Long id;
    private String name;

The definition.

Create the LabelRepository which extends the JpaRepository and JpaSpecificationExecutor interfaces.

package org.kodejava.zk.repository;

import org.kodejava.zk.entity.Label;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;

public interface LabelRepository extends JpaRepository<Label, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<Label> {
} a base search controller.

A base class that we can use to implements all the search page in an application. Basically it provides the method to search our application data. It defines a couple of abstract method that need to be implemented by the search controller classes such as what repository to use and the specification for searching the data. We can also define the default sort column and the direction of the data sorting.

package org.kodejava.zk.controller;

import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Event;
import org.zkoss.zul.Listbox;

public abstract class AbstractSearchController<T> extends SelectorComposer<Component> {
    protected Listbox listbox;

    public abstract JpaSpecificationExecutor<T> getRepository();

    public abstract Specification<T> getSpecification();

    public abstract String getCacheKey();

    protected String getDefaultSortColumn() {
        return "id";

    protected Sort.Direction getDefaultSortDirection() {
        return Sort.Direction.ASC;

    protected boolean getMultiple() {
        return false;

    public void doAfterCompose(Component comp) throws Exception {

    public void search() {
        SearchListModel<T> model = new SearchListModel<>(getRepository(), getSpecification(), getCacheKey());

    public void onEnterPressed(Event event) {

    public int getPageSize() {
        return SearchListModel.PAGE_SIZE;

An implementation of ListModel, this class will query the database using the provided repository and specification. It read data page-by-page and cache it so when we navigating the Listbox page it doesn’t read the data that have already been cached.

package org.kodejava.zk.controller;

import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Execution;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Executions;
import org.zkoss.zul.FieldComparator;
import org.zkoss.zul.ListModelList;

import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class SearchListModel<T> extends ListModelList<T> {
    public static final int PAGE_SIZE = 5;
    private final JpaSpecificationExecutor<T> repository;
    private final String cacheKey;
    private long totalElements;

    private Comparator<T> comparator;
    private boolean ascending = false;
    private final Specification<T> specification;
    private Sort.Direction defaultSortDirection = Sort.Direction.ASC;
    private String defaultSortColumn = "id";

    public SearchListModel(JpaSpecificationExecutor<T> repository, Specification<T> specification, String cacheKey) {
        this.repository = repository;
        this.specification = specification;
        this.cacheKey = cacheKey;
        this.totalElements = repository.count(specification);

    public T getElementAt(int index) {
        Map<Integer, T> cache = getCache();

        T target = cache.get(index);
        if (target == null) {
            Sort sort =, getDefaultSortColumn());
            if (comparator != null) {
                FieldComparator fieldComparator = (FieldComparator) comparator;
                String orderBy = fieldComparator.getRawOrderBy();
                sort = ? Sort.Direction.ASC : Sort.Direction.DESC, orderBy);
            Page<T> pageResult = repository.findAll(specification, PageRequest.of(getPage(index), PAGE_SIZE, sort));
            totalElements = pageResult.getTotalElements();
            int indexKey = index;
            for (T t : pageResult.toList()) {
                cache.put(indexKey, t);
        } else {
            return target;

        target = cache.get(index);
        if (target == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("element at " + index + " cannot be found in the database.");
        } else {
            return target;

    public int getSize() {
        return (int) totalElements;

    public void sort(Comparator<T> comparator, boolean ascending) {
        super.sort(comparator, ascending);
        this.comparator = comparator;
        this.ascending = ascending;

    private Map<Integer, T> getCache() {
        Execution execution = Executions.getCurrent();
        Map<Integer, T> cache = (Map<Integer, T>) execution.getAttribute(cacheKey);
        if (cache == null) {
            cache = new HashMap<>();
            execution.setAttribute(cacheKey, cache);
        return cache;

    private int getPage(int index) {
        if (index != 0) {
            return index / PAGE_SIZE;
        return index;

    public Sort.Direction getDefaultSortDirection() {
        return defaultSortDirection;

    public void setDefaultSortDirection(Sort.Direction defaultSortDirection) {
        this.defaultSortDirection = defaultSortDirection;

    public String getDefaultSortColumn() {
        return defaultSortColumn;

    public void setDefaultSortColumn(String defaultSortColumn) {
        this.defaultSortColumn = defaultSortColumn;

Our label search page controller which extends from AbstractSearchController class. We provide the LabelRepository and the Specification to filter the data.

package org.kodejava.zk.controller;

import jakarta.persistence.criteria.Predicate;
import org.kodejava.zk.entity.Label;
import org.kodejava.zk.repository.LabelRepository;
import org.zkoss.zul.Textbox;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class LabelSearchController extends AbstractSearchController<Label> {
    private LabelRepository labelRepository;

    private Textbox labelNameTextbox;

    public JpaSpecificationExecutor<Label> getRepository() {
        return labelRepository;

    public Specification<Label> getSpecification() {
        return (root, query, criteriaBuilder) -> {
            List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<>();
            String labelName = labelNameTextbox.getValue();
            if (!labelName.isBlank()) {
                predicates.add("name"), "%" + labelName + "%"));
            return criteriaBuilder.and(predicates.toArray(new Predicate[0]));

    public String getCacheKey() {
        return "LABEL_CACHE_KEY";

label-search.zul – Label Search Page in ZUL

The search page with a label name Textfield to search by label name. The Listbox will display the data with pagination.

    <window id="labelSearchWin" zclass="none" border="none" visible="true"
            apply="org.kodejava.zk.controller.LabelSearchController" width="100%">

        <grid id="searchForm">
                <column width="200px"/>
                    <label value="Label Name"/>
                    <textbox id="labelNameTextbox" width="450px" maxlength="50"/>


            <button id="searchButton" label="Search"/>


            <listbox id="listbox" mold="paging" pageSize="${labelSearchWin$composer.pageSize}" visible="false">
                    <listheader label="No" hflex="min"/>
                    <listheader label="Label Name" sort="auto(name)"/>
                    <listheader label="Action" hflex="min"/>
                <template name="model">
                        <listcell label="${forEachStatus.index + 1}" hflex="min"/>
                        <listcell label="${}"/>
                        <listcell hflex="min">
                                <button label="Edit" forward="onClick=listbox.onEdit(${each})" tooltiptext="Edit Data"/>

Running the application and access it at localhost:8080 will give you a screen like the screenshot at the beginning of this post.

The complete source code can be found in the following GitHub repository kodejava-zk-search.

How do I delete entity object in JPA?

The following code example show you how to delete or remove entity object from database using JPA. The first class that we are going to create is ArtistDaoImpl which implements ArtistDao. This DAO class handles the delete process either by the entity ID or by the entity object itself. We define the delete process in deleteById(Long id) and delete(Artist artist) methods.

In those methods we call the EntityManager.remove() method. This method of EntityManager will take care of removing the entity object from our database. Let’s see the DAO code below:

package org.kodejava.jpa.dao;

import org.kodejava.jpa.entity.Artist;

import java.util.List;

public interface ArtistDao {
    Artist findById(Long id);

    void save(Artist artist);

    void update(Artist artist);

    List<Artist> getArtists();

    void deleteById(Long id);

    void delete(Artist artist);
package org.kodejava.jpa.dao.impl;

import org.kodejava.jpa.dao.ArtistDao;
import org.kodejava.jpa.entity.Artist;

import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.EntityNotFoundException;
import javax.persistence.Query;
import java.util.List;

public class ArtistDaoImpl implements ArtistDao {
    private final EntityManager manager;

    public ArtistDaoImpl(EntityManager manager) {
        this.manager = manager;

     * Find Artist based on the entity id.
     * @param artistId the artist id.
     * @return Artist.
     * @throws EntityNotFoundException when no artist is found.
    public Artist findById(Long artistId) {
        Artist artist = manager.find(Artist.class, artistId);
        if (artist == null) {
            throw new EntityNotFoundException("Can't find Artist for ID "
                    + artistId);
        return artist;

    public void save(Artist artist) {

     * Update Artist information.
     * @param artist an Artist to be updated.
    public void update(Artist artist) {

    @SuppressWarnings(value = "unchecked")
    public List<Artist> getArtists() {
        Query query = manager.createQuery("select a from Artist a", Artist.class);
        return query.getResultList();

     * Delete artist by their id.
     * @param id the artist id.
    public void deleteById(Long id) {
        Artist artist = manager.find(Artist.class, id);
        if (artist != null) {

     * Delete artist entity.
     * @param artist the object to be deleted.
    public void delete(Artist artist) {

After defining the delete methods in the ArtistDao class we create a simple program to demonstrate both of them. In this program we start by create the EntityManagerFactory object from the defined persistence unit in the persistence.xml file. Then we create the EntityManager object, and we pass it to our ArtistDaoImpl object. And then we call the delete methods to remove entity from the database.

To show you the result of the delete process we print out the artist data before and after the delete method is called.

package org.kodejava.jpa;

import org.kodejava.jpa.dao.ArtistDao;
import org.kodejava.jpa.dao.impl.ArtistDaoImpl;
import org.kodejava.jpa.entity.Artist;

import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;
import javax.persistence.Persistence;
import java.util.List;

public class EntityRemoveDemo {
    public static final String PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME = "music";

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EntityManagerFactory factory =
        EntityManager manager = factory.createEntityManager();

        ArtistDao dao = new ArtistDaoImpl(manager);
        System.out.println("Before Delete:");

        // Remove artist with ID = 1.

        // Remove artist with ID = 2.
        Artist artist = dao.findById(2L);

        System.out.println("After Delete:");

    private static void printArtists(List<Artist> artists) {
        for (Artist artist : artists) {
            System.out.println("Artist = " + artist);

Here is the result of our code snippet. It shows the number of records before and after the delete process.

Before Delete:
Artist = Artist{id=1, name='Bon Jovi'}
Artist = Artist{id=2, name='Mr. Big'}
Artist = Artist{id=3, name='Metallica'}
After Delete:
Artist = Artist{id=3, name='Metallica'}

Maven Dependencies


Maven Central Maven Central Maven Central

How do I get the primary key of any JPA entity?

If you want to get the primary key of any JPA entity object you can use PersistenceUnitUtil.getIdentifier() method. This method take a single parameter which is the entity object whose identifier to be read. The PersistenceUnitUtil instance can be accessed from the EntityManagerFactory object.

If the entity object contains an identifier the getIdentifier() method will return the identifier as a java.lang.Object. If the entity object does not have an identifier ye it will return null.

package org.kodejava.jpa;

import org.kodejava.jpa.entity.Artist;

import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;
import javax.persistence.Persistence;

public class GetEntityIdDemo {
    public static final String PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME = "music";

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EntityManagerFactory factory =
        EntityManager manager = factory.createEntityManager();

        // Get object identifier of an exists entity.
        Artist artist = manager.find(Artist.class, 1L);
        if (artist != null) {
            Object identifier =

            System.out.println("Identifier = " + identifier);

        // Get object identifier of a newly inserted entity.
        Artist newArtist = new Artist();
        newArtist.setName("Bon Jovi");


        Object identifier =
        System.out.println("Identifier = " + identifier);

Maven Dependencies


Maven Central Maven Central Maven Central