In this example we are showing you how to use result set absolute()
and relative()
method to jump from one result set row to the other. When you pass a positive number as the parameter, you’ll move from the first record to the last. But if you pass a negative number as parameter, you’ll move from the last record backward.
package org.kodejava.jdbc;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
public class MoveAbsoluteOrRelativeExample {
private static final String URL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/kodejava";
private static final String USERNAME = "kodejava";
private static final String PASSWORD = "s3cr*t";
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Connection connection =
DriverManager.getConnection(URL, USERNAME, PASSWORD)) {
Statement statement = connection.createStatement(
String sql = "SELECT id, code, name, price FROM product";
ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(sql);
// Move to the second row
System.out.println("You are now in: " + rs.getRow());
// Move 2 records forward from the current position
// (fourth row)
System.out.println("You are now in: " + rs.getRow());
// Move to the last row in the result set
System.out.println("You are now in: " + rs.getRow());
// Move 3 records backward from the current position
// (second row)
System.out.println("You are now in: " + rs.getRow());
} catch (SQLException e) {
The code output the following result:
You are now in: 2
You are now in: 4
You are now in: 5
You are now in: 2
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