How do I change the currency symbol?

This example show you how to change the currency symbol for the defined locale using the DecimalFormatSymbols.setCurrencySymbol() method. After changing the currency symbol, the DecimalFormatSymbols instance is passed to the DecimalFormat object which does the formatting.

package org.kodejava.text;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Locale;

public class CurrencyFormatSymbols {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        double number = 123456.789;

        Locale[] locales = {
                Locale.CANADA, Locale.GERMANY, Locale.UK, Locale.ITALY, Locale.US

        String[] symbols = {"CAD", "EUR", "GBP", "ITL", "USD"};

        for (int i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) {
            // Gets currency's formatted value for each locale
            // without change the currency symbol
            DecimalFormat formatter =
                    (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(locales[i]);
            String before = formatter.format(number);

            // Create a DecimalFormatSymbols for each locale and sets
            // its new currency symbol.
            DecimalFormatSymbols symbol = new DecimalFormatSymbols(locales[i]);

            // Set the new DecimalFormatSymbols into formatter object.

            // Gets the formatted value
            String after = formatter.format(number);
            System.out.println(locales[i].getDisplayCountry() +
                    " | before: " + before + " | after: " + after);

Here is are the result of our program:

Canada | before: $123,456.79 | after: CAD123,456.79
Germany | before: 123.456,79 € | after: 123.456,79 EUR
United Kingdom | before: £123,456.79 | after: GBP123,456.79
Italy | before: € 123.456,79 | after: ITL 123.456,79
United States | before: $123,456.79 | after: USD123,456.79

How do I change number format symbols?

You can use the DecimalFormatSymbols class to change the symbols that appear in the formatted numbers. These symbols include the decimal separator which can be changed using the setDecimalSeparator(), the grouping separator which can be change using the setGroupingSeparator() method. You can also alter the minus sign, and the percent sign, among others.

package org.kodejava.text;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols;
import java.util.Locale;

public class NumberFormatSymbol {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        DecimalFormat formatter;
        String pattern = "###,###.##";
        double number = 123456.789;

        // Create a DecimalFormatSymbols object for the United States
        // locale.
        DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US);

        // Create a format object with the given pattern without
        // change the locale dfs then format the given value.
        formatter = new DecimalFormat(pattern);
        String before = formatter.format(number);

        // Change the decimal separator and grouping separator symbol.

        // Create a format object with the given pattern and symbol
        // then format the given value.
        formatter = new DecimalFormat(pattern, dfs);
        String after = formatter.format(number);

        System.out.println("before: " + before + " | after: " + after);