How do I handle or avoid null value in Spring EL?

In this example you will learn how to avoid a null value, which causing a NullPointerException thrown in a Spring EL expression. To avoid this from happening we can use the null-safe accessor, using the ?. operator.

We are using the previous example, How do I inject bean’s property using Spring EL? classes, which are the Student class and the Grade class. What we need is to create a new spring configuration file to demonstrate this feature. So, here is the configuration file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

    <bean id="student" class="org.kodejava.spring.core.el.Student">
        <property name="name" value="Alice" />
        <property name="grade" value="#{grade.getName()?.toUpperCase()}" />

    <bean id="grade" class="org.kodejava.spring.core.el.Grade">
        <property name="name">
            <null />
        <property name="description" value="A beginner grade." />


The use of null-safe accessor can be seen on the student bean’s grade property. We are calling the grade.getName() method and convert it to uppercase. We deliberately set the property to null. Calling toUpperCase on a null value will throw the NullPointerException. But because we are using the null-safe accessor the exception is not thrown, because the expression will not execute the code after the null-safe accessor. In this case when getName() return null, the toUpperCase() method will never get called.

Below is the demo program code:

package org.kodejava.spring.core.el;


public class SpELNullSafeExpressionDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try (ClassPathXmlApplicationContext context =
                     new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("spel-null-safe.xml")) {

            Student student = (Student) context.getBean("student");
            System.out.println("Name  = " + student.getName());
            System.out.println("Grade = " + student.getGrade());

Here is the result of the code:

Name  = Alice
Grade = null

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How do I inject beans, properties and methods using Spring EL?

Using Spring Expression Language (SpEL) we can inject object references or values into a bean dynamically when the bean is created instead of statically defined at development time. In this example you’ll learn how to inject a bean’s property using a property of another bean.

Let start by create two classes, the Student and Grade classes. The student object will have a property to store their grade name which will be obtained from the grade object.

package org.kodejava.spring.core.el;

public class Student {
    private String name;
    private String grade;

    public Student() {

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    public String getGrade() {
        return grade;

    public void setGrade(String grade) {
        this.grade = grade;
package org.kodejava.spring.core.el;

public class Grade {
    private String name;
    private String description;

    public Grade() {

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    public String getDescription() {
        return description;

    public void setDescription(String description) {
        this.description = description;

Next we create the spring configuration file. In this configuration we have two beans definition, the grade and student bean. We set the name and description property of the grade bean.

We also set the name property of student bean using a string literal. But the grade property value is set to the grade‘s bean name property using the Spring EL, #{}. The expression tells the spring container to look for a bean whose id is grade, read its name and assign it to student‘s grade.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

    <bean id="grade" class="org.kodejava.spring.core.el.Grade">
        <property name="name" value="Beginner" />
        <property name="description" value="A beginner grade." />
    <bean id="student" class="org.kodejava.spring.core.el.Student">
        <property name="name" value="Alice" />
        <property name="grade" value="#{}" />


And then create the following program to execute the spring container and retrieve the student bean from it.

package org.kodejava.spring.core.el;


public class SpELDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try (ClassPathXmlApplicationContext context =
                     new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("spel-example.xml")) {

            Student student = (Student) context.getBean("student");
            System.out.println("Name  = " + student.getName());
            System.out.println("Grade = " + student.getGrade());

This program will print the following output:

Name  = Alice
Grade = Beginner

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How do I wire / inject a null value in Spring?

To wire or inject a null value into a bean we can use the <null> element. The configuration below show you how to do it in the Spring configuration file. You might need to wire a null value for instance when you want to override a value that was autowired into a bean.

As you can see on the configuration below we set the value of property writer in the bean song to a null And we also set a couple null values into the songs property in the album bean.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

    <bean id="song" class="org.kodejava.spring.core.Song">
        <property name="title" value="I Saw Her Standing There" />
        <property name="writer">
            <null />

    <bean id="album" class="org.kodejava.spring.core.Album">
        <property name="title" value="Please Please Me" />
        <property name="year" value="1963" />
        <property name="songs">
                <ref bean="song" />
                <null />
                <null />


How do I inject collections using props element in Spring?

This time we will demonstrate how to inject a java.util.Properties. This class store a key-value pairs of data where the key and the values are both in string. You can use the <props> element to wire a property collections.

The bean we use in this example is taken from the previous example How do I inject collections using list element in Spring?.

Let’s create the configuration file and call it collection-props.xml.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

    <bean id="song1" class="org.kodejava.spring.core.Song">
        <property name="title" value="I Saw Her Standing There" />
        <property name="writer" value="Beatles" />

    <bean id="song2" class="org.kodejava.spring.core.Song">
        <property name="title" value="Misery" />
        <property name="writer" value="Beatles" />

    <bean id="song3" class="org.kodejava.spring.core.Song">
        <property name="title" value="Anna (Go to Him)" />
        <property name="writer" value="Beatles" />

    <bean id="publisher" class="org.kodejava.spring.core.Publisher">
        <property name="name" value="EMI Studios" />

    <bean id="album" class="org.kodejava.spring.core.Album">
        <property name="title" value="Please Please Me" />
        <property name="year" value="1963" />
        <property name="props">
                <prop key="color">Black</prop>
                <prop key="type">CD</prop>
                <prop key="duration">1 Hour</prop>


To wire property collections we use the <props> element. This element can have many <prop> in it. The key of the property defined by the key attribute of this element. The value of the property is set in the body of this element.

As usual let’s create a simple program to run it:

package org.kodejava.spring.core;


public class DemoProps {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try (ClassPathXmlApplicationContext context =
                     new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("collection-props.xml")) {

            Album album = (Album) context.getBean("album");
            System.out.println("Album = " + album);

When you run it, it will produce the following output:

Album = Album{title='Please Please Me', year=1963, songs=[], publisher={}, props={color=Black, type=CD, duration=1 Hour}}

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How do I inject collections using map element in Spring?

In this example you will see how to wire map collections. For this purpose we can use the <map> element in the Spring configuration file. This element declares the java.util.Map. We will reuse the bean that we use in the previous example How do I inject collections using list element in Spring?.

The <map> element can have many <entry> element with the key and value-ref attribute.

Here is the configuration example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

    <bean id="song1" class="org.kodejava.spring.core.Song">
        <property name="title" value="I Saw Her Standing There" />
        <property name="writer" value="Beatles" />

    <bean id="song2" class="org.kodejava.spring.core.Song">
        <property name="title" value="Misery" />
        <property name="writer" value="Beatles" />

    <bean id="song3" class="org.kodejava.spring.core.Song">
        <property name="title" value="Anna (Go to Him)" />
        <property name="writer" value="Beatles" />

    <bean id="publisher" class="org.kodejava.spring.core.Publisher">
        <property name="name" value="EMI Studios" />

    <bean id="album" class="org.kodejava.spring.core.Album">
        <property name="title" value="Please Please Me" />
        <property name="year" value="1963" />
        <property name="publisher">
                <entry key="publisher" value-ref="publisher" />


The <map> element can have many <entry> elements. We can use the key attribute to use a string as its key. If you want the key to be a reference to other bean in the Spring context you can use the key-ref instead.

The value-ref is used to set the value to refer to another bean. If the value is a simple value such as string you can use the value attribute.

To run it creates the following program:

package org.kodejava.spring.core;


public class DemoMap {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try (ClassPathXmlApplicationContext context =
                     new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("collection-map.xml")) {
            Album album = (Album) context.getBean("album");
            System.out.println("Album = " + album);

And here what you’ll get on the console:

Album = Album{title='Please Please Me', year=1963, songs=[], publisher={publisher=Publisher{name=EMI Studios}}, props={}}

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