How do I connect to a MongoDB Database?

In the previous post you have seen how we installed the MongoDB database server and try to use the MongoDB shell to manipulate collections in the database. You also have been introduced how to obtain and setup the MongoDB Java Driver that we can use to manipulate the MongoDB database from a Java program.

Starting from this post we will begin to explore more on how to use the power of MongoDB Java Driver to work with MongoDB. You will see how we are connecting to the database, how to do a CRUD operation (Create, Read, Update and Delete) with Java Driver. But first let see how we create a connection to a database in MongoDB.

Here is our first code snippet, it shows you how to bootstrap the MongoDB to open a connection to a database.

package org.kodejava.mongodb;

import com.mongodb.*;
import com.mongodb.client.FindIterable;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;
import org.bson.Document;

import java.util.Random;

public class MongoDBConnect {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        MongoClient client = new MongoClient(new ServerAddress("localhost", 27017));

        MongoDatabase db = client.getDatabase("school");
        MongoCollection<Document> students = db.getCollection("students");
        students.deleteMany(new BasicDBObject());

        String[] types = {"Homework", "Quiz", "Essay"};
        for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                students.insertOne(new Document("student_id", i)
                        .append("type", types[j])
                        .append("score", new Random().nextInt(100)));

        FindIterable<Document> documents = students.find();
        for (Document document : documents) {

What you can see from the code above is. First we bootstrap the MongoDB by create an instance of MongoClient. Here we pass a ServerAddress to define the address of our MongoDB database with information about the host name and the port number. If you just create an instance of MongoClient without any arguments it will use the default address such as localhost for the host and 27017 as the default port number.

MongoClient client = new MongoClient(new ServerAddress("localhost", 27017));

After initialize the MongoClient we can connect to a database by calling the getDatabase() method and passing the database name as argument. In the example above we connect to the school database, the database in MongoDB is represented by the MongoDatabase class in the com.mongodb.client package. In the next line after connected to the database you can see that we are getting the students collection from this database. Just for the purpose of this example we then empty the students collection using the deleteMany() method of the MongoCollection class.

MongoDatabase db = client.getDatabase("school");
MongoCollection<Document> students = db.getCollection("students");
students.deleteMany(new BasicDBObject());

In the next lines until the end of a code snippet you can see that we populate some random data into the students collections. We call the MongoCollection.insertOne() method to insert documents into the students collection. And finally we read the inserted documents from the students collection using the find() method and iterate the returned documents one by one until all documents printed on the console.

String[] types = {"Homework", "Quiz", "Essay"};
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
        students.insertOne(new Document("student_id", i)
                .append("type", types[j])
                .append("score", new Random().nextInt(100)));

FindIterable<Document> documents = students.find();
for (Document document : documents) {

And here are the sample of the result produced by our code above.

{"_id": {"$oid": "61911c793ae3117f6a5080a1"}, "student_id": 1, "type": "Homework", "score": 31}
{"_id": {"$oid": "61911c793ae3117f6a5080a2"}, "student_id": 1, "type": "Quiz", "score": 93}
{"_id": {"$oid": "61911c793ae3117f6a5080a3"}, "student_id": 1, "type": "Essay", "score": 92}
{"_id": {"$oid": "61911c793ae3117f6a5080a4"}, "student_id": 2, "type": "Homework", "score": 88}
{"_id": {"$oid": "61911c793ae3117f6a5080a5"}, "student_id": 2, "type": "Quiz", "score": 65}
{"_id": {"$oid": "61911c793ae3117f6a5080a6"}, "student_id": 2, "type": "Essay", "score": 64}
{"_id": {"$oid": "61911c793ae3117f6a5080a7"}, "student_id": 3, "type": "Homework", "score": 48}
{"_id": {"$oid": "61911c793ae3117f6a5080a8"}, "student_id": 3, "type": "Quiz", "score": 77}
{"_id": {"$oid": "61911c793ae3117f6a5080a9"}, "student_id": 3, "type": "Essay", "score": 20}
{"_id": {"$oid": "61911c793ae3117f6a5080aa"}, "student_id": 4, "type": "Homework", "score": 36}

Maven Dependencies


Maven Central

Introduction to MongoDB Java Driver

In the past post Installing and Running MongoDB in Windows 7, you’ve seen how to install and running MongoDB database server. Now we are going to learn how to use the MongoDB Java Driver to access collections from the MongoDB database. To demonstrate this I am going to use Maven and IntelliJ IDEA. You can use other IDE of your choice of course, such as Eclipse or NetBeans which also support Maven.

Let’s begin by creating our project in IntelliJ IDEA. I am going to use the community edition of IntelliJ IDEA which is free to download. Here are the steps for creating a Maven project in IntelliJ IDEA.

Creating Maven Project

  • Start IntelliJ IDEA. From the Welcome Screen select Create New Project.
  • A New Project wizard will be shown. Select Maven on the Sidebar, check the Create from archetype check box and select maven-archetype-quickstart.
Maven Project From Archetype

Maven Project From Archetype

  • Press the Next button to continue.
  • In the next screen you can enter the Maven project information details including the GroupId, ArtifactId, and Version.
Maven Project Information

Maven Project Information

  • Press the Next button to continue.
  • In this screen you can override any Maven configuration setting if you want. And you also see the summary of Maven project to be created. We do not modify the setting in this screen.
Maven Project Summary

Maven Project Summary

  • Press the Next button to continue.
  • In the final screen we input the Project name and Project location directory.
  • After you input these two information, click the Finish button to generate the Maven project in IntelliJ IDEA.
Maven Project Name and Location

Maven Project Name and Location

  • Finally, you have the Maven project created in IntelliJ IDEA.
  • This is the Maven project structure generated in IntelliJ IDEA.
Maven Project Structure

Maven Project Structure

Editing the pom.xml File

  • To use the MongoDB Java Driver in our Java application, the first thing we need to do is to add the dependency to MongoDB Java Driver in our pom.xml file.
  • Add the following dependency configuration to the pom.xml.

IntelliJ IDEA will download all the required dependency files from the Maven Central repository if they are not available in you local Maven repository. After configuring the Maven, we are now ready to create a simple program to find a single collection from the MongoDB database.

If you are following the last post about installing and running MongoDB that I have mention in the beginning of this article you know that we have a peopledb and persons collections in our MongoDB database. Now we are going to read it using the MongoDB Java Driver in our Java application. So lets now create the application.

Create Java A Simple MongoDB Client

  • We create our class under the org.kodejava.mongodb package. Right-click on this package and choose New, Java Class to create a new class.
  • Type in the class name MongoDBHelloWorld, and press OK button.
  • And this is the full code snippet for the MongoDBHelloWorld class.
package org.kodejava.mongodb;

import com.mongodb.*;
import com.mongodb.client.FindIterable;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;
import org.bson.Document;

import java.util.Objects;

public class MongoDBHelloWorld {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Creates a new instance of MongoDBClient and connect to localhost
        // port 27017.
        MongoClient client = new MongoClient(
                new ServerAddress("localhost", 27017));

        // Gets the peopledb from the MongoDB instance.
        MongoDatabase database = client.getDatabase("peopledb");

        // Gets the persons collections from the database.
        MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection("persons");

        // Gets a single document / object from this collection.
        Document document = collection.find().first();

        // Prints out the document.
  • If you run this code, you will get the following output printed on the screen.
{"_id": {"$oid": "61910b09dd20c0a0d8f686cd"}, "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "cityOfBirth": "New York"}
  • This is the JSON document that we’ve store in our peopledb in the MongoDB database.

The Java class above is our first example of how to use the MongoDB Java Driver to access and read a document from the MongoDB database. I hope this example can be a good start for us to learn more about MongoDB. If you have any question, just submit it in the comment section below this article. See you on the next post. Thank you!

Maven Dependencies


Maven Central

Installing and Running MongoDB in Windows 7

What is MongoDB

In this post you will see how to install and running MongoDB database server on Windows 7. What is MongoDB? MongoDB is a NoSQL database. MongoDB is a non-relational JSON document store, a document oriented database. Non-relational means that it does not support the relational algebra that most often expressed in SQL like what RDBMS such as Oracle or MySQL does. The document here is not a Microsoft Word documents or such, but it is a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) documents.

And if you don’t know what it is look like, here are some examples of JSON documents:

  {"firstName" : "John", "lastName" : "Doe", "cityOfBirth" : "New York"},
  {"firstName" : "Julia", "lastName" : "Roberts", "movieTitles" : ["Pretty Woman", "Notting Hill", "Runaway Bride"]}

Other characteristics of MongoDB are: it has a dynamic schema, it does not support SQL language, it does not support Joins, and it doesn’t support transactional across multiple collections.

MongoDB Installation

After you know a bit of MongoDB, lets get started with the installation process. Here are the step by step of the MongoDB installation.

  • Download Windows 64-bit MongoDB installer at When this post is written the binary file name for Windows 64-bit is mongodb-win32-x86_64-2008plus-2.6.3-signed.msi.

  • After you have finished download the installer, double-click the file to start the installation wizard.

Welcome to MongoDB Setup

Welcome to MongoDB Setup

  • Press the Next button for the next screen and check I accept the terms in the License Agreement check box and press the Next button to continue.
End-User License Agreement

End-User License Agreement

  • The next step is to choose the setup type. There are three types of setup available, Typical, Custom and Complete. For now, we will choose Complete. So click the Complete button to continue the installation process.
Choose Setup Type

Choose Setup Type

  • Press the Install button to begin installation process.
Ready To Install MongoDB

Ready To Install MongoDB

  • After pressing the Install button, you can see the screen of MongoDB installation process. Wait until the installation is done.
Installing MongoDB

Installing MongoDB

  • And finally you have the MongoDB database installed. Click the Finish button to end the installation process.
Completed MongoDB Installation

Completed MongoDB Installation

The steps above have finalized your MongoDB installation. If you check in your C:\Program Files directory you will see the MongoDB installation directory in there. There will be a bin directory under C:\Program Files\MongoDB 2.6 Standard where all the MongoDB application files. Now you have installed the database server lets run and check the database server.

Running MongoDB

For this step we will focus on two files from the bin directory of the MongoDB installation. The mongod.exe and mongo.exe. The first executable is the MongoDB database engine daemon while the second executable is the shell program to access the MongoDB.

To run the database do the following steps:

  • Create data directory. By default, MongoDB looks for \data\db directory in the root Drive from where you run the mongod. For example, you can create C:\data\db. Or you can use the --dbpath argument to tell MongoDB where to store the data.
  • Open Command Prompt and cd to C:\Program Files\MongoDB 2.6 Standard\bin and type mongod to start the daemon.
Running MongoDB mongod

Running MongoDB mongod

The screen above shows you that the MongoDB is successfully started, using the dbpath \data\db and it is ready and listening for connections on the default port 27017.

Running The Shell

  • Open Command Prompt and cd to C:\Program Files\MongoDB 2.6 Standard\bin.
  • Run mongo.exe to start the shell. You’ll see a welcome message to the MongoDB shell.
Running MongoDB Shell

Running MongoDB Shell

  • In the shell above we run a couple of commands:
  • use peopledb command ask the MongoDB to change to the persons collections, if it doesn’t exist Mongo will create one.
  • To add document to the collections we can call db.persons.insert(); and passing the JSON document as the arguments.
  • To query the collection we can use db.persons.find().
  • If you want for instance to find Julia in the collection you can do db.persons.find({"firstName" : "Julia"})
  • To close the shell we can call quit() command.

That’s all for now, I hope this post is useful for you. In the next post I will show you how to create a simple Java application that use Mongo Java Driver to store data using Java programming into the MongoDB database. So, see you in the next post. Thank you.