JavaScript is arguably the programming language out there, and specifically in terms of client-side programming languages, there are few alternatives to match it. Obfuscation involves deliberately creating source or machine code that is difficult for humans to understand, protecting the integrity of the initial programmers’ code. Programmers may deliberately obscure their code to protect its purpose or the implicit values embedded in it. This is primarily done to prevent tampering and reverse engineering. However, it is also important for those who sell their code, it is, unfortunately, easily copied. Obfuscating your JavaScript via Node.js does not prevent your code being copied, but certainly makes in hardly readable. Security through obscurity. Not only that, but Node.js is a language deriving from JavaScript, making the learning curve quite intuitive. Below we’ll go through the benefits and method of obfuscating JavaScript with Node.js.
Installing The Right Obfuscator
In order to get started, you need to install the JavaScript Obfuscator. This must be done before any JS code can be obscured with Node.js, as the process is reliant on the JS obfuscator module. It’s a powerful tool, with a wide array of features ensuring security for your source code. Limitless restrictions, local machine compatible, no server-data exchange, and compatible primarily with es2015 and es2016 makes it an intuitive and essential tool in protecting your code.
The logic to obfuscate code is relatively simplistic. It is capable of creating an instance of the Module, from which it is possible for you to use the obfuscate method that expects as first argument the code that you want to obfuscate. Through a series of transformations your source code is transformed into something obscure, and very difficult to read.
Process Logic
Given the popularity of JavaScript, using Node.js makes sense – particularly if you have experience working with JS on front-end applications, you will have an easy time learning Node.js for your backend applications. This makes your working environment more efficient as you are continuing to work in a relatively familiar environment.
Web Developer, Kuan-Yin T’an, of Dissertation Writer and OXEssays, suggests, “it’s really important to ensure that your workflow is compliments by the tools your using. Wasting time with other languages is inefficient, particularly given the complimentary benefits of Node.js with JavaScript. The system offers a wide variety of tools making a programmer’s life much easier – and in the end, that will only increase your output.”
Performance Positives
It is true that you are sure to find some high-performance power from using Node.js, but is important to dive into why this is the case. Node.js reads JavaScript code via Google’s V8 JavaScript engine – this engine is vital as it compiles the JS code right into the machine code. Essentially the code is implemented quicker and with greater efficiency. Additionally, the speed by which the code is executed is facilitated because of the runtime environment is support from non-blocking I/O operations.
Alanis Truijens, tech writer for AustralianHelp and Urgent Assignment Help, was clear in her own assessment, “The simplest version I can give is that Node.js functions as a JS runtime environment that allows JS coding to be executed in a server-side environment. At its core, this is an open-source platform which increases flexibility to get things done”.
Application Scalability
Using Node.js means that scaling your applications is relatively straight forward. Whether it is horizontal or vertical, it doesn’t matter, you can scale to your own needs. Additionally, it’s possible to add different resources to the single nodes when vertically scaling your applications.
Weighing It All Up
The reality is simple. Node.js has more advantages than disadvantages, and in terms of workflow it’s more efficient. What is notable about the disadvantages is that they all appear to be relatively fixable, when compared with other tools. Node.js uses JavaScript, which makes it a good system for back-end development given the intuitive learning curve. Finally, there are more businesses using Node.js, and that more than anything really makes it the complimentary system to use when obfuscating JavaScript.