How do I start a thread execution?

To make a thread begin its execution, call the start() method on a Thread or Runnable instance. Then the Java Virtual Machine will calls the run method of this thread.

The snippet below is showing how to create a thread by implementing the Runnable interface.

package org.kodejava.lang;

public class ThreadRun implements Runnable {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Instantiate ThreadRun
        ThreadRun runner = new ThreadRun();

        // Create instance of Thread and passing ThreadRun object
        // as argument.
        Thread thread = new Thread(runner);

        // By passing Runnable object, it tells the
        // thread to use run() of Runnable object.

    public void run() {

The snippet below is showing how to create a thread by extending the Thread class.

package org.kodejava.lang;

public class ThreadStart extends Thread {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ThreadStart thread = new ThreadStart();

        // Start this thread

     * The run() method will be invoked when the thread is started.
    public void run() {

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